Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Tasting Machine

The topic of the tasting machine seems to have generated a lot of interest - well, I'm interested at least. I should have started a discussion about it on a separate thread, but since it's too late for that, I'll collect links to all the comments in this post.

It started when I said I tried a wine out of the tasting machine and liked it, but it was a small sip.

tancred agreed and complained about the price

Iron Chef likes the tasting machine and Luke loves it.

Kelly likes the machine, but not the price / quantity ratio.

tancred said the price should be lowered to encourage people to try and then buy.

Chris says someone has to pay for the wine.

I said, yes someone has to pay, but the price could be cut in half and still cover the cost of the wine.

tancred thinks the machine would generate more sales if the price were lower.

I said that I think it's fun, but not useful for making purchase decisions.

Any more thoughts? Let's continue the discussion in this thread.


  1. Wow Norman- I thought I was Numbers Focused. Great math on the Tasting Machine. I am still going to look at it was a Decision making model where $2.50 may save me $45- a means to limit my risk of a bad experience even though it did not help with regards to the Clay Station. I am OK paying more to avoid an uneducated purchase. Much like the criminal prices of the WS magazine- have you ever read the subscription prices. The ends justify the means in this case. Much like all cases, speaking philosophically.

  2. I would have to agree with you Chef. I got a WS subscription last Christmas that just expired. If I don't get a renewal for my birthday, (which I doubt I will since renewals are in the top 3 most boring gift ideas) I won't renew on my own - not in the budget. I think I'll borrow somebody's account number for online access and spend my money on wine samples, and of course '96 Chateau Fuisse. I'm still trying to decide between the 3 Cheese, Deli Lover, or Deluxe.

  3. I will be very interested in hearing about the ‘96 Pouilly-Fuissé.

    We have WS online, which costs $1/week. I like the reviews and articles (although the pretentious Wine Wanker Lifestyle content of the magazine makes me twitch). At the sample machine, I’m going to try 30 mL samples of more expensive wines from now on – I think I’ll be happier with good samples of fewer wines than “glances” at many, and it’s among the more worthwhile things I can think of to buy with $5. A 15 mL sample is probably enough for wines around $20, as we’re willing to take chances at that price anyway.

  4. I agree with Chris MacDonald that someone has to pay to make it worth keeping around. The machine is an expensive upfront cost and I suspect there is some waste in the process. And like Iron Chef said, these are small prices to pay to be able to preview some wines and decide whether the outlay of $$ will be worth it.
